Can I take a chameleon on a plane?

I think you would need some sort of permit if you are taking him out of the country. When I took my dog from Colombia to U.S.A, I had to get him a permit that took about 2 years to acquire. I am not sure if it's easier or harder to take a reptile out of its Country :D
I think you would need some sort of permit if you are taking him out of the country. When I took my dog from Colombia to U.S.A, I had to get him a permit that took about 2 years to acquire. I am not sure if it's easier or harder to take a reptile out of its Country :D

I think it might be different since shes coming from puerto rico (i think).
which since its a commonwealth of the US, whcih might mean she doesnt need as many permits and such. just to report it like you would a dog or cat.
though i would do some more research on that
From the post its reads she is trying to take one from US to PR. No its not going to be that simple. You can hardly get on with basic carry on. $$$$$$$$$ and time all things are usually possible. I think if it was that simple every site sponsor would ship to PR no problems which doesn't seem to be the case since none do at all.
Make sure you read them the safety instruction card and that they pay attention to the safety instructions demonstrated by the flight attendant. Oh... make sure they leave their Furbies behind... apparently that's a big no-no. :D

Even if possible (doubtful though since CITES applies) you can't take them into the cabin. No airline permits any bird or reptile in the cabin ever. They have to be checked with the luggage.
Well, that sucks! Dogs are so much noisier than reptiles and some still enter the cabin... grrr.
Thanks everyone! And yes, what im saying is that I go to the US, get a cham and leave. Too bad I need permits :/ Stupid security...
Even if possible (doubtful though since CITES applies) you can't take them into the cabin. No airline permits any bird or reptile in the cabin ever. They have to be checked with the luggage.

Sorry, this isn't true. Depending on the airline, passengers can take small domestic bred birds (we're talking canaries or parakeets here) in an underseat carrier in the cabin. I've done it. I don't think any airline accepts reptiles in the cabin and I'm certain you could not do it internationally regardless of CITES category.
Well, that sucks! Dogs are so much noisier than reptiles and some still enter the cabin... grrr.
Thanks everyone! And yes, what im saying is that I go to the US, get a cham and leave. Too bad I need permits :/ Stupid security...

Sorry, it has nothing to do with security. It has to do with the cham's international trade status. They originated in the wild (Madagascar, Yemen, Africa...) so are still classed as "wildlife" (as opposed to a domesticated animal) even though an individual cham happened to be captive bred. Wildlife trade is regulated by the CITES treaty signed by hundreds of nations in order to protect the native populations of the animals from smuggling, overcollection, and theft. CITES isn't perfect, no law or treaty is, but it has prevented a huge amount of illegal trade in wildlife and plants that ARE vulnerable to greed.
put him in your pocket

Well, that sucks! Dogs are so much noisier than reptiles and some still enter the cabin... grrr.
Thanks everyone! And yes, what im saying is that I go to the US, get a cham and leave. Too bad I need permits :/ Stupid security...

My chame hangs out in my hoody pocket just wear a shirt he can hide in and bring him along. lol. my cam goes to class with me all the time.
My chame hangs out in my hoody pocket just wear a shirt he can hide in and bring him along. lol. my cam goes to class with me all the time.

Well, that kinda scares me because
1. he's really small
2. sometimes, I'm clumsy and I could trip
3. they can take him away (maybe, i dont know)
If it works for you then that's pretty amazing!
Depending on the airline, passengers can take small domestic bred birds (we're talking canaries or parakeets here) in an underseat carrier in the cabin.

I had no idea! Thanks for clearing that up!

To the one who keeps their Cham in a hoodie...chameleons are not a species that hides in crevasses. You are probably stressing that poor lizard nearly to the point of heart attack, not to mention taking it away from basking or UVB lights just so you can feel cool about your novelty item in class. Get a more appropriate pet for that if you must continue to take a pet to class for no reason. A ball python would probably do the same and not be freaked out beyond belief.

OP: if a cham is found while you're trying to smuggle it (which is what it is in the eyes of the laws) it will be confiscated and who knows what will happen to it after that. You will lose it if they find it.
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