can someone please help me

I am new to having chameleons as pets. I have a couple of questions if someone can maybe help me
I have attached two photos below, i hope it works and that you can view them.

1. I want to know if you can tell me which one is the male and which one is female
2. What species are they
3. And how old do you think they are?

Thank you


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They both look male to me, but I am no expert. I don't know what species they are, nor how old they are.

Do you think you could get a better picture of the tailbases? Best would be from the side with the tail straight. That was we can see if there's a "bulge" or not. Bulges indicate males :) From the pictures right now, they both look male, but the left one COULD be female. The right one is almost certainly male because of how thick the tailbase is. :p
Thank you so much. I'll try to get another pic. But i understand what u mean about the tails, and the other one doesn't have the same tale, so i assume she is a female. Thanx so much for you quick reply
Thank you so much. I'll try to get another pic. But i understand what u mean about the tails, and the other one doesn't have the same tale, so i assume she is a female. Thanx so much for you quick reply

No problem :) I'm no expert in gendering.. but I do try my best. I'm sure some others will eventually reply either confirming or contradicting! :D

Just because the tail is different, doesn't necessarily mean that they're different genders. It all depends on how the differences are :)
Anyone know species yet? I still don't know the difference between flap necks and gracefuls..........
Thank you for the help. I'm so happy to know they not both male.:) does anyone know what species they are? I'd like to know, I've searched on the internet but can't find a single one that look like this. And I've got a small baby chameleon , does anyone know how to tell the sex of the baby? :)
It’s crucial that owners know the species of chameleon they are trying to care for and not get confused by people making guesses.

Both of those are Flapneck Chameleons (Chamaeleo dilepis) and the first one is a female and the second one is male. You can tell the differences in the sexes by the larger hemipenal bulge on the male as well as the obvious tarsal spur.

They both look very nice and healthy. Nice catch.
if you wait until their a bit older and start showing their colors it might be easier to tell what type they are.
It’s crucial that owners know the species of chameleon they are trying to care for and not get confused by people making guesses.

Both of those are Flapneck Chameleons (Chamaeleo dilepis) and the first one is a female and the second one is male. You can tell the differences in the sexes by the larger hemipenal bulge on the male as well as the obvious tarsal spur.

They both look very nice and healthy. Nice catch.

You tell them Trace.:D I swear you could correctly ID a cham at 100 yards.:D
Thank you trace for your help. Do you know how to tell a baby chameleons sex? Is it also by the tail ?
Do you still mean Flapnecks? It is different in other species. A large hemipenal bulge around where the cloaca is always means male though :) If it's Flapneck or Veiled males have tarsal spurs (a bump on the back heel) too.
Post the pic(s). I won't know but Tracey is bound to be back..........:)
With your eyes tied behind your back..........:D

HAHA! That might pose a problem as I can’t always ID a chameleon by taste alone.

I’m in a different time zone than you guys but post up some photos and we can attempt to sex them for you. There are a few other members who are good at identifying and sexing apart from myself.

For trivia sake, not all species in the dilepis complex have that telltale tarsal spur so other visual indicators like the hemipenal bulge is needed.
HAHA! That might pose a problem as I can’t always ID a chameleon by taste alone.

I’m in a different time zone than you guys but post up some photos and we can attempt to sex them for you. There are a few other members who are good at identifying and sexing apart from myself.

For trivia sake, not all species in the dilepis complex have that telltale tarsal spur so other visual indicators like the hemipenal bulge is needed.

*Takes a chameleon in hands and licks it* Hmm.. tastes like veiled!

The information oh how to gender has been good thus far. Despite having had not much to do with chameleons until recently, I feel I have learned a lot :) I'm not exactly the best, or even very great at it, but I feel I am learning.

I just wanted to say that I appreciate the explanations as to "why" a chameleon is the gender it is and "where" and "how" you can tell. It helps us newbies so we can help you experts with your in-official "job" :D
HAHA! That might pose a problem as I can’t always ID a chameleon by taste alone.

I’m in a different time zone than you guys but post up some photos and we can attempt to sex them for you. There are a few other members who are good at identifying and sexing apart from myself.

For trivia sake, not all species in the dilepis complex have that telltale tarsal spur so other visual indicators like the hemipenal bulge is needed.
Everyone is in a different time zone to me....what day is it now? I think I slept for about half an hour on Tuesday.....I figured since I can smell Parsons you could at least get any genus right by sensing electromagnetic radiation or ESPing its soul........there are others Trace but none do it like you do :)
I just wanted to say that I appreciate the explanations as to "why" a chameleon is the gender it is and "where" and "how" you can tell. It helps us newbies so we can help you experts with your in-official "job" :D
Yeah, I appreciate the details means I can half-regurgitate things so I need correcting and then I can play with Trace a bit more.....maybe that isn't really helping though........:confused:
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