Can the size of the cricket make up for quantity?


Hi all, this question has been in my head since I started feeding Specs larger crickets.

Ive was giving specs the smallest crickets available at a petstore (which is about what, 1/4 inch?) and he would eat about 12 of those a day. However, I recently changed to half inch crickets because I find that they are easier to keep and don't die as often. They can just barely fit in his mouth, but he manages just fine. I noticed that he usually only eats about 5 or 6 of these a day though. Is this okay and does the size make up for the amount? I was just worried because I always see everything that says chams should eat a solid 10-15 crickets a day.
Yes size makes up for quantity. You'll see people saying 'One dubia roach is equal to 3 crickets.' and things like that all the time.

It's like saying a person can eat 10-15 chicken legs a day, and then you try to give the person 10-15 turkey legs a day. They will eat as much as they can eat, regardless of how much is there.

5-6/day is fine if the food is bigger than usual. Just make sure he is getting the right amount of supplements.

Oh and how old is he?
Ahh, okay. :) I just wanted to be sure. Yeah, the logic of it was in my head though.

I had already guessed that two small crickets would equal to one medium one, so thats good then. It makes sense too seeing as though he eats about 6 a day as opposed to the 12 smaller ones he was eating. :)

And Specs (in my siggy) is 2 in a half months.
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