Can veiled chameleon ever get used to you?


New Member
Hi, I have a 3-4 month male veiled chameleon. I understand chameleon is unsocial, especially veiled chameleon. But I still see people say once they get used to you, they will be less afraid of you. And I have seen videos on Youtube about relatively docile veiled chameleons as well.

So far I have had mine for 2 weeks and never taken him out of the cage. But he still seems to be frightened. Even when I get close to the cage, he would just run away and find a place to hide. So I start to wonder if veiled chameleons are generally born the way they are and will never change. For those of you who have tame veiled, did they have the same temperament when they were young, or they changed over time?

I just want to know what to expect from him.:D
Hi, I have a 3-4 month male veiled chameleon. I understand chameleon is unsocial, especially veiled chameleon. But I still see people say once they get used to you, they will be less afraid of you. And I have seen videos on Youtube about relatively docile veiled chameleons as well.

So far I have had mine for 2 weeks and never taken him out of the cage. But he still seems to be frightened. Even when I get close to the cage, he would just run away and find a place to hide. So I start to wonder if veiled chameleons are generally born the way they are and will never change. For those of you who have tame veiled, did they have the same temperament when they were young, or they changed over time?

I just want to know what to expect from him.:D

I just got my veiled chameleon yesterday and he's about 4 months old. IMHO it all depends on your chameleon's individual personality. but no matter what, your chameleon will never get "tamed" or will enjoy handling. Some tolerate it MUCH MUCH more and will be docile. It depends on your lucky pick but love them no matter what. So far I have only had my chameleon for 2 days and he doesn't seem to show signs of fear when I get near his cage. Some chameleons are more chilled than others. he will just check me out but won't flee in panic if i get close to him.When i bought him i had to put him on the little box while we got home. He did not hiss,puff, or try to bite me and did not turn black or white with stress. What I am doing is SLOWLY moving your hand into the cage and DONT try to touch him or grab him. Don't even get your hand to close to him. Just slightly let him get "used" to your presence. If he does not seem to even tolerate you then this is just his individual personality. He is a shy boy! But give him all your love and don't persist on taking him out if he doesn't want to. and never ever ever put your hand by his back and grab him like he was a banana! He will think you are a predator. Respect his privacy and don't get too upset if he doesn't like to touched. Chameleons are not meant for handling anyways. Hope this helped.

I just got my veiled chameleon yesterday and he's about 4 months old. IMHO it all depends on your chameleon's individual personality. but no matter what, your chameleon will never get "tamed" or will enjoy handling. Some tolerate it MUCH MUCH more and will be docile. It depends on your lucky pick but love them no matter what. So far I have only had my chameleon for 2 days and he doesn't seem to show signs of fear when I get near his cage. Some chameleons are more chilled than others. he will just check me out but won't flee in panic if i get close to him.When i bought him i had to put him on the little box while we got home. He did not hiss,puff, or try to bite me and did not turn black or white with stress. What I am doing is SLOWLY moving your hand into the cage and DONT try to touch him or grab him. Don't even get your hand to close to him. Just slightly let him get "used" to your presence. If he does not seem to even tolerate you then this is just his individual personality. He is a shy boy! But give him all your love and don't persist on taking him out if he doesn't want to. and never ever ever put your hand by his back and grab him like he was a banana! He will think you are a predator. Respect his privacy and don't get too upset if he doesn't like to touched. Chameleons are not meant for handling anyways. Hope this helped.


"your chameleon will never get tamed or enjoy handling", that sir, is a pretty false statement. There are plenty of chameleons who have actually enjoyed handling, it's not impossible.
I just got my veiled chameleon yesterday and he's about 4 months old. IMHO it all depends on your chameleon's individual personality. but no matter what, your chameleon will never get "tamed" or will enjoy handling. Some tolerate it MUCH MUCH more and will be docile. It depends on your lucky pick but love them no matter what. So far I have only had my chameleon for 2 days and he doesn't seem to show signs of fear when I get near his cage. Some chameleons are more chilled than others. he will just check me out but won't flee in panic if i get close to him.When i bought him i had to put him on the little box while we got home. He did not hiss,puff, or try to bite me and did not turn black or white with stress. What I am doing is SLOWLY moving your hand into the cage and DONT try to touch him or grab him. Don't even get your hand to close to him. Just slightly let him get "used" to your presence. If he does not seem to even tolerate you then this is just his individual personality. He is a shy boy! But give him all your love and don't persist on taking him out if he doesn't want to. and never ever ever put your hand by his back and grab him like he was a banana! He will think you are a predator. Respect his privacy and don't get too upset if he doesn't like to touched. Chameleons are not meant for handling anyways. Hope this helped.


Thanks for the reply, I totally agree with you. I'm just more curious about the evidence that if veiled can change their personality, or get used to you, over time.:D
"your chameleon will never get tamed or enjoy handling", that sir, is a pretty false statement. There are plenty of chameleons who have actually enjoyed handling, it's not impossible.

For those who enjoy being handled, do you know if they were born that way or because they learned?
I've seen a mixture. If you start handling right away as a baby it's easier. Over time without handling they'll get used to not being handled, but if you work your way up then they'll get used to it. Individual personallity definately helps though. You could get two chameleons, one born nice and the other born nasty, do the same thing to them both their entire life, and the born nasty one will always be slightly nastier.
For those who enjoy being handled, do you know if they were born that way or because they learned?

I would say a combination of both, but more so how you interact with your chameleon. I mean some dogs are just more friendlier than others as with humans even. They all have individual personalities. I can kiss my chameleon on the lips if I want to! He is a friendly guy but it took awhile for him to not dislike being handled. I just kept working with him.
Haha ya, luckily for me I think I got the most docile chameleon in the world, (thank god I got him when the nice, experienced old man worked at the place I got him, instead of the obnoxious, ignorant, and flat out wants-to-get-back-slapped-if-she-tells-me-their-chameleons-are-brown-because-they're-on-the-dirt-again chick, ya, I know I'm ranting, I took away her lizard owning rights, muahaha) *coughs* Anyway, Karma straight from the day I got him loved being held, he'll even sit on my shoulder and watch me play video games. Although apparently his favorite place on my body is my face, with his claw holding onto the inside of both my nostrils.
waldo loves tha spot too

Haha ya, luckily for me I think I got the most docile chameleon in the world, (thank god I got him when the nice, experienced old man worked at the place I got him, instead of the obnoxious, ignorant, and flat out wants-to-get-back-slapped-if-she-tells-me-their-chameleons-are-brown-because-they're-on-the-dirt-again chick, ya, I know I'm ranting, I took away her lizard owning rights, muahaha) *coughs* Anyway, Karma straight from the day I got him loved being held, he'll even sit on my shoulder and watch me play video games. Although apparently his favorite place on my body is my face, with his claw holding onto the inside of both my nostrils.

yea i got some cute pis of him ysterday am doing that but i looked like crap so they wont be put online lol. hes been nice from the get go with only a stressed reaction to water and cameras if hes in his cage take him out and hell crawl on it so im guessingg hes going to be territorial when he grows up. even he vet was suprised by how cool with being around and handled he was.
So I seems it's better to get them relativley young then juvie ones that why you can get them use to being handled by you, If they werent handled when they were young and now are juvies it might take sometime.. Good thread nice info for begginers like me..
To get your cham to 'like' you. you can try hand feeding him.
I also cup feed, but i hold my cup for my guy, so he gets used to me.
I also found that my guy chilled on his 'tude alot when i began free ranging him on a much bigger plant.
When I get my Cham. Cami I'm gonna try everything u just said thx for ur post

No problem! good lcuk. My guy stil has his good and bad days. Some days he just gets the evil eye but gets on my hand, other days, he wants nothing to do with me. but hes alot better on his fr.
Sounds like FR is the way to go. My guy ate from my hand and cup, he just doesn't want my hand anywhere near him.:eek:

Haha yea. How old is your guy?
I didnt want to do it before my boy was 10 months old, that way he was big enough so when he gets off his fr, i can find him easier.
and trust me, they will wander at first until they learn what is there spot.
Haha yea. How old is your guy?
I didnt want to do it before my boy was 10 months old, that way he was big enough so when he gets off his fr, i can find him easier.
and trust me, they will wander at first until they learn what is there spot.

My guy is only 3-4 months old.I think I will only free range him when I'm present. He is so timid...
Try bribing them start by getting them to eat out of your hand. Than maybe place the snack they enjoy(mealworm, silkworm) on your upper arm so they have to climb onto your hand. Don't move just let them get use to it. After a while they will assume you have food and be more likey to go investigate. Chameleons are like dogs in the way that the older they get the harder it is for them to learn. But you can teach an old dog new tricks and you can make your chameleon show intrest in being held just give em time but always remember they are not "pets" like dogs chameleons are more of a wild animal just even when they are CB. They live by instincts.

Hope this helps you. And don't get discouraged.
I have a vieled and he really likes to be handled. I was a bit worried at first because I read the same that they don't like to be handled. However he comes to my hand or will climb on my arm when I reach in to clean or feed. He also turns some of his best colors when handled. Go figure.
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