Canker Worms

lisa h

New Member
Are these safe for Chameleons to eat? There are so many here every summer that they can be picked off any bush or tree at any time. The city does spray for them after they've been around for a month or so, but they are "clean" in our yard before that (we don't use pesticides). I have nothing to feed them to now :(, but I hope to have a Chameleon by *next* summer, at least.

If the city sprays I would give them a miss, Its up to you, but in CA you shouldnt have too much trouble sourcing a big variety of healthy feeders commercially.
These are not really expensive, especially if you only have one animal or two to feed. :)
Oh, it's not the cost, but I figured since they're everywhere anyways, I could collect some before the city sprays. No matter right now, as I don't have a chameleon, but I'm learning so much from everyone here that I thought I'd ask.

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