Caring for Senegal Chameleons- HELP?


New Member
Hi, I`ve kept herps all my life, but am new to chameleons. I bought what Iwas told were a pair of Yemens, as eveone seems to recommend them as first time chameoeons. Long story short, they`re Senegals, about which I know zero! Can anyone help me out here please?
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Pretty general care as far as chams go. Keep temps around 80 ambient with a hot basking spot and mildly humid like 60%-70%. They arent too hard to care for there basically like taking care of any other cham. habitat wise go for medium jungle look haha.

hope I helped,

Senegals in the pet trade are usually WC, and they can carry severe parasite loads. Even if the seller (who misidentified them to begin with) told you that they gave them one round of panacur or something, please take the Senegals to your vet for a fecal exam. One round is not enough, and they can carry parasites that drug won't affect.

They can make great pet chameleons, as long as you get their parasites cleaned out ASAP. After the clean-out, I had a male WC for almost 5 years to the day. They are an interesting, delightful, and pretty little species. When they are content, they can show sky blue chevrons/diamonds on their leaf green bodies, with orange toes.

I kept mine like my veiled, and housed outdoors during the summer. The Senegal thrived in temps and high UV that other chameleons would hide from. Be careful about feeding high sat fat prey- no waxworms or mealworms- because they can become obese easily. Let me know if you have other questions.
Thanks for the really helpful advice. I never used any forum before, and it`s great to know so many people are willing to help.
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