superworms are easy to care for. Put them in a bin with oatmeal (non cooked) and feed them greens, carrots, zucchini, and that type of food. they will be fine. Just remember your chameleons eat what your feeders eat.
Hornworms require hornworm chow. hopefully you bought pods that come with the chow. If not then you will need to order and mix horn worm chow.
The only butter worms I have had came in a container that had every think they needed.
Superworms are what Laurie said - super easy. I make my own bedding mix from rolled oats, flax, wheat germ, etc. You can get this stuff from Sprouts or any Whole Foods type store where they have the bins and you weigh it yourself. I keep them in one of these:
That way I can separate by size using the different drawers.
Hornwoms come with chow in the pod as has been stated unless you order eggs and then you would be well advised to order the chow at the same time.
Butterworms should be kept around 48-50 degrees and the bedding they come in is all they need.
Check with your local reptile store for the oats.. Mine has huge bags of bulk oats and it is super cheap to house the superworms in. Just clean the container out every so often and pour in new oats. I use a small tupperware container and pole holes in the lid. The silkworms you can order a pod from the breeder and it has premade food in it. They only eat mulberry primarily but some say they will eat dandelion leaf also. If you can find someone with a mulberry tree then you got it made! Just get a tupper ware container, poke some holes it in and put the leaves in there(or you can buy chow from the silkworm breeders, Coastal Silkworms is who I use) and just make sure you clean out the poop! They poop ALOT! Keep the container clean!