Carmelo Cham


Chameleon Enthusiast
Yesterday, I found Carmelo on a lower net, as if he had fallen from a branch. Today, I found him upside down in the Money Tree pot. I thought he was dead but he wasn't. I placed him on a branch. He repositioned himself upside down. Is he looking for his final resting place? 😭
In March of this year he was falling to the bottom of the enclosure from his branches. The Vet performed a fecal exam, bloodwork and xrays. He was perfectly healthy. He was adopted so I don't know his age. I added plastic netting to prevent him from falling to the bottom floor. In fact, he can't fall, he can climb on to the netting or turn himself upside down but not fall. I'm really just rambling. The truth is, I thing he us looking for his final place of rest. His grip is strong but he just allows himself to hang upside down.
Another Pic. Taken 2 minutes ago. This is yesterday's poop.


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He's not basking. He loves to bask! His skin is really cold to the touch.
Maybe he's too cold? We have central cooling. The ambient temp is 76 degrees. I think i'll add another heat lamp. He likes to bask at 85 but I only give him upto 83 degrees.
When I asked my vet about Grumpy hanging upside down, he told me they will sometimes do that if they have a stomachache. I don’t know how true that is.
Is he using all four legs? Is he constantly or often grabbing at that front leg like that? Usually we’ve seen that as a neurological effect of mbd, but it maybe could be if his front leg is hurting. Again, my vet told me that they grab at themselves when hurting. I’m so sorry that you both are going thru whatever this is.
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