Carpet Chameleon Breeding weight + Tips


Established Member
Hi! I want to get my research done right as i want to breed my female in the future to my male.

Carpets don't have a lot of information though. What would everyone say is a good weight for breeding carpets? Minimum Age?
I looked/read at frank paynes information but cant seem to find specific age/weight for females, only males age he provides.

Any extra tips for those who have breed carpets?

Thanks :)
Hi! I want to get my research done right as i want to breed my female in the future to my male.

Carpets don't have a lot of information though. What would everyone say is a good weight for breeding carpets? Minimum Age?
I looked/read at frank paynes information but cant seem to find specific age/weight for females, only males age he provides.

Any extra tips for those who have breed carpets?

Thanks :)
I waited until my female was approx. 1 year old and she weighed 14 grams before attempting to breed. I know some breeders will attempt sooner but it's important to give the female time to develop and be hardier for the breeding stress.
Nick Unz (not sure his name here) breeds them as well. I’d go check with him or the others Jan suggested. I’d imagine, 12-18 months would be minimum. I believe I heard Frank talk about it on one of Bills podcasts but I can’t recall for sure now…
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