

New Member
I was just wondering if anyone had any tips for breeding carpet chameleons. I was interested in getting a 1.1 group. Thanks
They are the same as breeding panthers and veileds as far as mating is concerned. My females always drop their eggs all over the cage but Dooley (kevin) has gotten his to dig to lay.

Incubation can be done with diapase or without. The carpets we have hatching now incubated for 7 months at temps between 70 and 80 .
Im New :)

I was planning on getting a chameleon and i was wondering if i should get either a panther chameleon or a carpet chameleon. And if i were to get one of those two how big of a cage should i get? Pretty much anything i need to know i would like some help with... Thanks :D
Carpets are smaller than panthers. Carpet have a shorter life span only 3 to 4 years where as a panther is 5 to 8 years

Most carpets u find for sale are wild caught. In my experience wc carpets don't do well in the long run. If you can find a captive hatched take that over a wc.

Carpets can be housed in a 16" tall cage or larger...where a panther needs at least a 48" tall cage.

Female carpets are highly prized for thief colors tho males as not too shabby looking

In panthers it is the other way around
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