Catching baby dubia

I use paper towel tubes or TP tubes on 1/2 of my set up. Then you can just shake them into a big cup. The little guys usually are still holding on to the tube and I just pick them off.
Babies are quick little buggers, I like catching the big ones though. they will hang out on your hand once you get them.

the little ones I have to usually brush off something onto my hand
Scoop them up with a piece of paper. Slide the paper under them and scoop them towards the side of the container. Once on the paper, fold the paper some and funnel them into a cup for dusting.

here is what i have come up with: i went home depot and bought a few different sizes of pvc. all about the same lengths but with different size innner for the babies i use the ones with 1/4 inch i.d. and theres no way for the bigger ones to squeese in then just shake whats in the into a container and now lunch will be served
here is what i have come up with: i went home depot and bought a few different sizes of pvc. all about the same lengths but with different size innner for the babies i use the ones with 1/4 inch i.d. and theres no way for the bigger ones to squeese in then just shake whats in the into a container and now lunch will be served

how witty...try that
Babies are quick little buggers, I like catching the big ones though. they will hang out on your hand once you get them.

the little ones I have to usually brush off something onto my hand

That made me cringe... I don't think I would ever let a roach hang out on my hand :eek:
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