Certain food

My chameleon is now about 5 months old and all he eats are crickets. I tried meal worms but he won't eat them. At one point he grabbed it and it was like looking at the lady being picked up by King Kong. He then dropped it and walked away. I also tried fruits like apples and bananas. I have seen him eat the apples only once but he doesn't seem too interested in them. But once I put in crickets he goes crazy and eats all of them. Is there anything else I can give him?
My chameleon is now about 5 months old and all he eats are crickets. I tried meal worms but he won't eat them. At one point he grabbed it and it was like looking at the lady being picked up by King Kong. He then dropped it and walked away. I also tried fruits like apples and bananas. I have seen him eat the apples only once but he doesn't seem too interested in them. But once I put in crickets he goes crazy and eats all of them. Is there anything else I can give him?

You can try silkworms, hornworms, superworms, dubia roaches, mantids, kale, greens, strawberries, etc.

Chameleons are funny because they can become extremely hooked on one feeder..in this case crickets. On the other hand, they can become tired of what you are feeding them and eventually turn their nose up at what appeared to be their favorite food. This is why it is so important to always include variety in their diet so incidents like this are minimal.

Once a chameleons decides that he/she will no longer be eating the feeders offered, it can take a while to break them of their choice. So, offering them a varied diet will keep them from growing tired of certain feeders...plus it just keeps them in a better state IMO!!
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