Cham age? Overall look


New Member
I got him in February 11 was told he was between 2-6 months. He has gone trough three sheds. I wasn’t sure of sex I’m thinking he is a boy. I have a mix of real and fake plans I had issues with lifting so tomorrow I will get the lineal bulb.I take him out to take the sun as I can.. also I’m feeding crickets dubias and silkworms.. he doesn’t respon anymore to Phoenix larvae I feel he doesn’t see them. What do you guys think of age and health?
I'm not very good at guessing age but I would guess maybe 4 to 5 months? I do want to let you know that you have the wrong uvb. You need a linear bulb that stretches across the entire enclosure. I recommend a reptisun t5 5.0. You can order them from or any other pet store but your best bet is online. If you do not get this he/she will get metabolic bone disease. Also, please get a picture of the back feet for tarsul spurs to tell the gender
Looks like you have a little girl... I am not seeing any sign of tarsal spur or male pattern. If you can take a pic of the back of the back feet so we can see if there is a spur I can confirm gender. Females need a lay bin and have slightly different husbandry requirements.

When were those pics taken? Is that weight in grams she looks big there... And 140 grams for a 4 inch cham is a lot. Not sure if your scale is accurate.

As said you will want to get a t5Ho linear UVB fixture with a 5.0 uvb bulb to replace the compact uvb you have.
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