Cham Food Chart!


New Member
Hey i'm getting my first Cham soon, I've been looking around about them and it really seems that the little guys have a strict diet. I was wondering if any Cham expert could give me a chart of a list of foods for Monday-Sunday for what to feed him every day. Thank you soo much!:)
Check out the blogs by Sandrachameleon. She lists great insects to use as well on the proper ways to gutload them.

She has several food diarys that list everything given to her chameleons on a daily basis for an entire month.

Variety is the key!!!!
Try everything!
I use dubia, cricks, silkies, horns, reptiworms, supers, BB flies, butters, and
now, I am working on raising land snails :)

My cham grocery bill per month is depressing, so I raise as many feeders as
room allows.
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