Cham got bitten!


New Member
I have a 8 year old veilled cham and he seems to have gotten a preaty good bite on his right lip, daing worms!! I put some pictures up. Any hopes of this going away on it's on or should I be running him to the vet? I was reading some other post on infections and "baytril" came up, is that the standard medicine given for infections in the cham? and does anybody know how much per weight and how it's given Subcut, IV, intramusculer? I ask because I have access to baytril for injection where I work and could save myself a lot of cash if I just ask them for a small dose of it!

thank you

Extra info, right before hitting the post button I decided to grab a pair of tweezers and try to get that peice sticking out of his mouth, it came right off and now he just looks like somebody gave him a fat lip. Actualy much less worried but anybody still have a opinion? or it ever happen to you?


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wow an 8 yr old chameleon. well you must be doing something right, lol. sorry but i have never heard of a chameleon living that old. wow again. about the bite tho, looks like a good one. and the answer to your question is yes baytril is used for infections, but i dont know how much you should give him. "MWheelock" is a member an i think he is a vet, just pm and hopefully he can give you some better answers. good luck!
Might have solved

Alright so I think I might have solved it, after posting I went back to check on him and he had this big round thing on the side of his mouth, anyways I grabbed it and it looks like the head of the worm I gave him, so what I think happend since he is a extremely lazy cham! he must have eaten the rest but perhaps the teeth where stuck in his lip and so he left the head in between his lips, and so what I saw was a combo saliva/decomposition! now his mouth is close all he is left with is a indent on the inside of his mouth where the head was for the last 3 days, and he is hunger stricking so i'm going to go out and get him a buffet :p thanks!
well hope everything is ok with your guy. ive heard of that before, just search that and im sure someone has had the same problem before. good luck
The problem with mouth/lip infections is that the pus usually needs to be cleaned out, the area flushed and then the chameleon put on an antibiotic. I know that some people have had success doing this themselves...but I've never tried it.'ve done well to keep him alive for that long! Nice going!
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