Cham misses his food



I have an 8-9 month old veiled that when he shoots his tongue out he hits about an inch above the cricket. Even from about 2 inches away he will miss, what is this caused from? His eyes are both open and look great. He has to almost climb in a feeder cup to eat.
Tell us about your supplements and how you use them. The kinds and Brand of each. It could also be an eye sight problem.....vit. A. Why don't you go ahead and give us all the info on the ask for help form.
Also, how long has he been doing this? Any tongue injuries that you are aware of.

Well, I got the cham about 3 weeks ago along with a female veiled. The female eats awesome, she will shoot clean out of the cage to get a cricket. I got them both from the same guy and they seem to be very healthy. No tongue injuries that are visually apparent.
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