Cham stopped eating cricks only eats his wax worms. Should silkys fix this?


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Male veiled Cham 3 months old stopped eating his crickets after I gave him wax worms, now he only eats the wax worms. I just ordered silkys to hopefully get him to eat those as I read it is a much more suitable worm nutritionally. Any advice? Id like to alternate foods between wax silkys and cricks but he won't eat the cricks. Any advice will help thanks guys!
It's not an exact science. The first time I tried giving Zaphod silks or Horns, he ate one and said "Are you kidding me? What is this, gooey sponge? Now go get me something else before I poop in your general direction!"

That being said I had a lot of dead feeders that never saw their ultimate destiny. Now I eventually tried again, and got the exact opposite reaction. He can't get enough silks and gives me the stink eye when I offer crickets or supers. Sometimes it's just trial and error.
It's not an exact science. The first time I tried giving Zaphod silks or Horns, he ate one and said "Are you kidding me? What is this, gooey sponge? Now go get me something else before I poop in your general direction!"

That being said I had a lot of dead feeders that never saw their ultimate destiny. Now I eventually tried again, and got the exact opposite reaction. He can't get enough silks and gives me the stink eye when I offer crickets or supers. Sometimes it's just trial and error.
Good deal thank you! I just ordered silks yesterday hopefully they come soon as he is only eating wax worms. Do you mix your charms diet or only silks?
Good deal thank you! I just ordered silks yesterday hopefully they come soon as he is only eating wax worms. Do you mix your charms diet or only silks?

I definitely mix it up! It is a good idea to use as many feeders as possible so there is a good variety. Many chams will get bored with a feeder and then are not willing to try others if they have never seen them. I use crickets, supers, silks, horns, and a few others just to keep it interesting. Dubia roaches are a good feeder option, but I can't use them because I'm in Florida.
I definitely mix it up! It is a good idea to use as many feeders as possible so there is a good variety. Many chams will get bored with a feeder and then are not willing to try others if they have never seen them. I use crickets, supers, silks, horns, and a few others just to keep it interesting. Dubia roaches are a good feeder option, but I can't use them because I'm in Florida.
Thank you for the advice. I might attempt Dubai roaches next if he doesn't comply with the silks. Thanks again!
As far as worm's go silkworms are pretty much the best for there all around nutrition value and being naturally high in calcium but no worm is a staple food if it can be avoided you should definitely try Dubai roaches
As far as worm's go silkworms are pretty much the best for there all around nutrition value and being naturally high in calcium but no worm is a staple food if it can be avoided you should definitely try Dubai roaches
My Cham is still only about 4-5 inches head to tail, I feel like the Dubai might be to large as of now, but I do plan to try them. I honestly want him back on his gutloaded crickets he was eating them great until I gave him a silky. Thanks for the input and advice I will definitely be trying Dubais prob next month when I can get them from the rep show. Thanks again!
rns, he ate one and said "Are you kidding me? What is t
I definitely mix it up! It is a good idea to use as many feeders as possible so there is a good variety. Many chams will get bored with a feeder and then are not willing to try others if they have never seen them. I use crickets, supers, silks, horns, and a few others just to keep it interesting. Dubia roaches are a good feeder option, but I can't use them because I'm in Florida.
You can get Discoid!Those I know are legal. I believe Banana roaches too. But discoids are much cheaper. eBay has some for a really good price.
I totally understand I wanted to wait as long as I could I figured they would be kinda hard but when my guy quit eating Crickets (3weeks ago) I figured it was time to order some small and they were all about the size of a raisin a few were larger but they are actually very soft and squishy
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