Cham Vs. Anole...not what you think

david sullivan

New Member
will a cham eat a smaller lizard? Anoles? just wondering... i have not does anything crazy, even though I would kinda like to see something like that to tell the truth but i guess I am barking up the wrong tree here everyone being lizard lovers...hahahaha
I imagine they would be able too. If it were big enough and the anole wasn't too big, then I guess it could. But I wouldn't recommend it. If the anole ate something that was in some killing chemicals and it ate it, then it could be bad.
Yeah id say.. But what about a pet store one, I live in northern canada and the closest thing we have to anoles are bull frogs.
I read somewhere, I think on the forum, that a Florida Vieleds diet consists of brown/cuban anoles.
Which is good because feral reptiles are eatting eachother, and I cant stand brown anoles.
They took over the native anoles, and I rarely see green anoles, wetern chameleon:rolleyes:, anymore.

In youtube they have a veiled eating an anole. They also have a spiny chameleon eating a few of them. check it out its sort of cool and sad at the same time.
well it looks like I am off to the pet store...I wanted to make sure that it was o.k. Also how do you feed them a dead pinkie??
Anoles are smaller than this:


From nosferatu's gallery.
Most big lizards will eat smaller lizards the first chance they get... About that Humingbird.. .That is freaking awesome.. But I would be so worried about that crazy sharp beak hurting my Cham...It would be Like trying to swallow a toothpick. The beak is exposed unlike the bones in a small mouse. I have always loved that pic.
. "Are you familiar with the reason why they cannot convert beta-carotene into Vitamin A? Also, how is it in the wild, they satisfy their need of Retinol? As a chameleon keeper, this topic seems to be controversial among people. Is there a more thorough study that addresses this matter?"

"I don’t know why the carotene in carrots couldn’t be converted. It could be that other carotenes in the guts of wild plant-eating insects can be. It could also be why panthers sometimes occasionally eat lizards and nestling birds, which should be a good source of retinol. I think it is a good idea to feed panthers large pinkies or small lizards, such as anoles, occasionally, if they will eat them. There indeed needs to be more study on this subject."

taken from-
Well it got digested. Its not like it would stay whole. The acid would break it down.
Yeah... I know they do digest it... I just think about the ingestion...Seems like a Cham could accidentally pierce its cheek.:) These animals never seize to amaze me.
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