Cham won't eat or drink much

I just got my first chameleon for Christmas yesterday. He will not eat or drink much, especially in front of people.
We just moved him into my house but he has been in his cage for about a week. Whenever I poke my head in his enclosure he stands still and pretends to be a pothos leaf. Really worried!
They will not eat to much as they are adjusting to a new home or enclosure. If he is eating he should be fine for a while. I have seen my Cham drink once in the 3/4 year I have had her, as long as he has the opportunity he will drink as needed when he is alone. Do you literally put your head into his enclosure? Imagine that from his perspective a tiny undomesticsted creature, that is why he is scared. Can you post a pic of his cage? It can really helps other people answer questions.
Here is his cage setup. And, l apologize for the expression. I don't literally poke my head in his enclosure, just open the door and take a closer look at him.
He needs WAY more plant cover and climbing branches, both horizontal and vertical.

You know how sometimes you go to a really good zoo and have to spend a long time looking to even see whatever animal is in the exhibit because it's set up so well?

Aim for that.
Rather than one large pothos I would add two or three smaller ones. They are very hardy, safe for your cham to eat, and can be trained to grow up/along any vines or branches you'd like them to.

As for vines, remember that these are arboreal creatures that will utilize every piece of climbing material made available to them.
I just got my first chameleon for Christmas yesterday. He will not eat or drink much, especially in front of people.
We just moved him into my house but he has been in his cage for about a week. Whenever I poke my head in his enclosure he stands still and pretends to be a pothos leaf. Really worried!
Took mine a full month to drink in front of me. And he was already a year old when I got him. Very good personality too...but still took him a bit to start to get use to me.
They said that my Jackson's was about a year old when I got him. I will just give him some time to settle in. Thanks for your help!
They said that my Jackson's was about a year old when I got him. I will just give him some time to settle in. Thanks for your help!
A friend who is experienced with reptiles and Chameleoms is watching mine for a week while I am out of town even said he is drinking in front of her now. So I'm sure once he sees you around him he will get use to you and start. I always left my cage door open and got into his cage cleaning a lot and I think that really helped him get use to me. I would rearrange a few branches and plants once a week too, just to give me an excuse to be up in his cage and near him without me handling him.
I just left my house for about an hour and a half. When I got back, Newt, my chameleon, had eaten four crickets. I think he is finally settling in. Thanks for your help, everyone!
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