chamaeleo orientalis

Does anyone have a picture of this chameleon?
I was doing some reading this morning and came across this species.
I did some looking around and found nothe in CCIN, Adcham, or google.
All I could really find out is that it is found living near C. c. calyptratus, arabicucs, and cacarifer.

-thanks Justin
It's actually Chamaeleo chameleon orientalis, the Arabian subspecies of the common chameleon. Petr Necas has a good section on Ch. chameleon in his book, with pictures of each subspecies. As for care, there is an Adcham page, although I'm not sure what subspecies the pics are. Hopefully Kinyonga will notice this thread and can let us know. Ch. chameleon chameleon?
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They are Ch. chamaeleo chameleon....I think they were from the Morroco area. Sorry I have no pictures of the orientalis. :(
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