chameleon being weird


Established Member
I came home a couple days ago and i saw my chameleon charlie at the bottom of his cage sitting staring at the mister in his cage. he was almost black and ran back up to his tree when he saw me, his temps are good and so is humidity but he hasnt eaten since yesterday b/c i dont have any crix. he has the right lighting ( 5.o tube and 50 watt heat lamp) he is in a 48 inch tall cage and he is about months old. any suggestions
I think you left out how many months, but it sounds to me like he's fine. Since he didn't get fed today, he's probably down there looking for food. I occasionally find one of mine roaming around at the bottom but they run back up. And sometimes they fall out of their plant.

If he's sitting down there all the time with his eyes closed or something, then you have a problem.
his eyes werent closed he was just staring, probably lookin for food. he shot straight up to his plant when he saw me so he couldnt be a sick groggy chameleon.... i will keep an eye on him though.
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