Chameleon Cage Setup


Hi guys. I'm getting a baby veiled chameleon from flchams. Here is the cage... Is it ok?
That rock on the right may be too close to the top near the basking light, it can expose your tiny Cham to too much heat and cause burns
Great start! As Alexander 1 stated, make sure that there are no perching abilities too close to the basking lamp. Also, I would put double the amount of foliage in the enclosure and branches. I understand not wanting to break the bank on your first enclosure as your Veiled will most certainly outgrow it in 4-5 months easily, but remember all the plants will move to the next enclosure. Can't wait to see the new guy!!
Here's the deal, mint is commonly used to deter some species of animals and even insects. I know that it is toxic to dogs, but we all know that toxicity isn't an "across the board" event. IMO, I would not put it in the enclosure especially since you have a veiled. They supplement hydration/nutrition with foliage and I would hate to see your little guy go through something as terrible as poisoning.
Absolutely!! Figs are part of the Ficus genus. They are one of the easiest trees to grow indoors..IMO! Good choice.
Awesome job at getting more plants!! That will be so beneficial. I think once you add some more branches to the enclosure it will be a wonderful home for your new veiled. I have to say one thing though, if the plant in the back left corner is Arrowhead Vine, I would remove it. Your Veiled will munch on the leafs and that particular plant can be nasty. Not trying to take the wind out of your sails, but better to know now than when a problem arises.
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