Chameleon climbing on the screen a lot

SliK JiM

New Member
Sorry, I couldn't search for this as my search wouldn't work so i apologise upfront if this has been asked before!

Anyway, my question is: has anyone else noted that chameleons like to climb on the mesh of their enclosures when they get to around 1 year old? If so, why do you think they do it? My males have both now done it around this age! Are they looking for mates/trying to get a bigger territory? He's currently in a 2.5 x 2.5 x 7 enclosure so I think its the impulse to breed more than anything else.

Any thoughts?

Mine does it but it is when I enter the room and he is telling me he wants OUT of his cage! As a rule he does not climb around on the screen. In his outdoor cage which is made of a thick chicken wire, I just caught him hanging upside down from the top a little bit ago!
I have a female that does it like crazy before she lays and a male ( like Carol said) when he wants out, and a younger smaller one that did it all the time just cuz,...,:rolleyes:
Well, I'll have to let him come out a bit more! The weather is just about good enough to get him outside these days! :D
My veiled has started to do it more and more as a juvenile. I'm hoping he grows out of it.

My veiled has grown out of it but now that my panther has started doing it I thought I'd ask! Both around the 1 year mark so i thought it might be linked! I've also noted a few sperm packets around which led me to the mating idea.

They're funny critters!
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