Chameleon crawled on me, now I have bumps?


New Member
First time this has happened, he crawled over my arms and now there are all these red spots and they kinda itch. Why did this start happening? haha
First time this has happened, he crawled over my arms and now there are all these red spots and they kinda itch. Why did this start happening? haha
Maybe he got onto a plant that you're allergic to? :confused: Sounds quite odd to say the least.
Most likely because you are having/developing an allergic reaction to the animal.
This is highly likely...

...sorry, hope you arent!:eek:
It could just be that the nails irritated your skin, or it could be an allergic reaction. If the latter, I would almost lean toward insect poop (you know it's in there, you know they walk in it) as the most likely culprit because it's a very common allergy. The answer might be to have a lighweight longsleeve shirt you keep nearby to pull on when you are going to take your chameleon out.
I have handled many chameleons without this reaction but there was this one jacksons with very long sharp nails that gave me this reaction once. Really strange because it was so random.
If you ever have a allergy test this is the same reaction you get to the positive results of what you are allergic to. Nothing to stress about, probally nothing that is going to airborne so it won't affect your breathing, just something that you have a slight allergy to. I bet if you wash the area immediatly after or just cover your skin you will be fine. My daughter is allergic to everything andd we have dogs and reptiles and with a little sensible management you can deal with these things.
I had this happen from our jacksonii nails. I had bumps all over my arms and when I looked closey it was in the pattern of his walking. Went away later that day but did itch and was red.
It's probably just from the bacteria or bits of plant that were on the nails when they poked the upper layer of skin. Will go away after a few days and in time you will probably develop immunity to it and no longer experience the irritation.
This happened to me the other day, I then realized it was just his nails poking my skin and irritating it.. If it is legitimate bumps, I might worry a little, if it just looks like little red splotches all over where he has been on your body your good and it will go away within 24 hours :D
oh this is very common its parasites. they burrow into your skin and lay eggs in your brain....

lol not really

i agree nails sound like the culprit. those things can get might pointy, and if there is some sort of dirt on his nails that could further irritate you.

only theory i have myself is if he were rubbing his vent on you that could cause some irritation.
I have the same reaction to my rats' nails when they walk on me. I develop red, itchy bumps. They go away shortly after I wash my arms.
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