Chameleon darker coloration


New Member
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Panther Chameleon, Male, 6/7 months, have had it for 5 months
Handling - almost daily, guy comes running out onto my arm every day
Feeding - Crickets 10 or so a day medium sized once in the morning. I gut load with a calcium supplement and fresh greens.
Supplements - Repticalcium with d3 and just bought reptivite with d3. I was dusting them 2x a week with the calcium without d3.
Watering - I have an auto mister that runs every 2 hours for 30 seconds, i run a drip a few times a day for few minutes or so.
Fecal Description - good consistency, black with a little white at the tip
Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites? no
History - Bred in a store

Cage Info:
Cage Type -36"x18"x36" exoterra screen terrarium
Lighting - Daylight Blue Reptile bulb 60w and a Reptisun 5.0 UVB light bulb. They are o n from about 630am to 730pm
Temperature - Top is about 86/87 degrees bottome around 75 lowest overnight temperature is 60s, measure with a zoomed digital thermometer
Humidity - my humidity hovers around 60, i use a mister to acheive this
Plants - 3 plants 2 different types of dracaeneas i dont know the third
Placement - The cage is located in my living room and is situated about 3/4 feet above the ground, highest point is about 6'
Location - Long Isand

Current Problem - My chameleon always seems to be this darker color and while i may be just worrying for no reason im concerned about him being stressed out. i dont know if its normal for him to be this color but he seems otherwise fine, eats drinks uses the bathroom explores and hangs out.
heres some pictures, what do you all think?


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I see your cham is located in the livingroom. Sometimes chameleons get stressed about the flickering lights from a TV. Could be something as easy as that if he has a TV visible for him but the experts might be here soon and give you some better idéa from what you wrote :)

Good luck!
My cham sometimes gets darker when she's upset or angry, i have her outdoor and when i get her out of the cage and put her in other trees she turns soft green and sometimes show some yellow, black, blue, orange spots all over her body, and then she start lookin for some other insects and ground bugs arround the garden and eat them. I think is because shes bored i don't see nothing else when that happend all i do is take her out and she's good. Try to give him a diffrent place to hangout sometimes so he don't get bored.

Hopefuly to help u with this info!!
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