chameleon dieing

I am sorry you lost your chameleon. I know a few weeks ago you posted you had another one die that was attacked by your dog. Was this one injured by your dog also? If not, please let us know how you are keeping your chameleons, so if you decide to get another we can help you keep it safe and healthy.
I'm so sorry to hear that this has happened again! I would definitely stop letting your sister's dog go anywhere near your pets, she is obviously a completely untrustworthy and dangerous dog around small animals.
Wow that's 2 chameleons now. Definitely need to think about the dog situation before getting another pet. Sorry for your loss.
Sorry for your loss!

I don't know if I'd be blaming the dog. If this has happened before why was the chameleon allowed to be near the dog. The dog didn't open the cage and let the chameleon out.

I washand feeding her outside her cage and the dog was no were to be seen then all of a suden the dog ran and jumped up and snatched her.

Should I post pic
You should be aware of potential dangers when owning a chameleon
Because this has happened before you should've been aware that the dog is able
To kill the Chameleon so before you get another chameleon you should figure out what to do with your dog.
Sorry about the loss, but two losses from the dog? Even if the dog is out of sight, you need to secure it in another room or outside when handling other pets, like chameleons.
Sorry for your loss!

I don't know if I'd be blaming the dog. If this has happened before why was the chameleon allowed to be near the dog. The dog didn't open the cage and let the chameleon out.


But the dog broke into the cage and killed the first one, so you gotta blame him on that one. In any event, it is very sad that both chameleons died in such a horrific way.
But the dog broke into the cage and killed the first one, so you gotta blame him on that one. In any event, it is very sad that both chameleons died in such a horrific way.

First one blame the dog but this one lies on the owner.

What kind of dog is this?

I think the problem here is definitely the dog... It IS the dog's fault if the dog jumps "out of nowhere" and snatches up the chameleon.

I would just put the chameleon cage in your room or somewhere the dog cannot go into, close the door, THEN handle the chameleon.

These kinds of horrible deaths can be prevented by taking some simple, easy, precautionary steps.

Having a dog out that has killed like that before is just asking for trouble, IMO.

Again, sorry for the loss, but really, it could have been prevented.
Well this is just terrible. If you get another, maybe think about not handling the Cham at all. There's nothing wrong with that. Your dog is a Cham eater for sure. If I had a dog like that, and wanted a Cham badly enough. I simply would not hold it. It's just as awesome to sit and watch them eat as it is to hand feed. It's actually healthier for the Cham to hunt the bugs down. So sorry this has happened twice. If it happens again I'm thinking the forum members who haven't already shunned you, are going to so, BE CAREFUL!!! You want the forum members on your side, they are very helpful and trust me, you'll eventually need one of them for something at one time or another. Think about it like this, if it was dogs that were getting ripped to shreds and not small chameleons, how would you handle it? This whole thing is horrifying to me, so I can only imagine what it's like for you being there to witness it all not once, but twice. :( I'm sure your familiar with the saying, fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. So pick yourself up and get a better plan bud. The current one is not working at all.
Hello Ramsby! I am sorry that you loss your Cham.

Could you do us a favor and please take pictures of the cage and setup you have been keeping your Chameleons in. Also, please state the location of the cage currently. Since you say you are thinking of making a Chameleon Room.

You say it was your sisters dog who has done this. What steps has your sister taken in correcting this behavior? She is just as responsible for the dogs actions as the dog is.

May we ask how old you are? Sometimes people just aren't ready for a Chameleon yet since it takes a lot of responsibility, patience, love, and respect for the Chameleon.

As others have mentioned. If you are able to keep the door closed while handling your Chameleons then do so. I have two dogs that are both over 120lbs each and are taller than I am if they stood on their hind legs, so are quite capable of hurting one of my Chameleons if they wanted. However, they know if they were to touch my Chameleons I would scold them, and hurt them in return. I'm not saying you should hurt your sisters dog, but I'm saying each owner corrects behaviors that are inappropriate and have different ways of doing so.

Also, how often do you tend to take your Chameleons out of their cage? Most tend to want to be in their cage and not handled 9/10th of the time.

Have you ever owned another reptile? If not, maybe you should try owning a Leopard Gecko or Bearded Dragon. They are a bit hardier and don't stress as easily as Chameleons.
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