Chameleon diet decresed


New Member
My 8-8.5 month old Ambilobe has recently started eating a lot less than he used to. Im just thinking it is because he is getting older but I just wanted to see if others have seen this in their chameleon when they start maturing. Im not worried because he is in fine health he just is a lot less ready to hand feed and he used to destroy the crickets I put in now he eats them slowly if at all. Thanks
What is his diet looking like?

Are you just feeding him crickets?

at 8 months and past most growth is complete or nearing completion, meaning his body won't be such a vacuum for nutrients and calories - because of this it should start to take less to fill him up and less should keep him full for longer.

How many crickets/other feeders are you providing and is this daily or every other day?

By 8 months its a good time to start feeding every other day, however is appetite has just suddenly stopped or stopped completely this is usually sign of a larger problem or just plain boredom.
i have found the same thing with my Veiled, he is coming on 9 months now and his appitite has dropped over the past month he's now eating about 2 large (not adult) locusts every two days 1 wax worm and a super or two (i think) i free range the locusts but the worms go in the feeding pot, sometime a super sneaks out though so i check everyday the floor etc to make sure he has eaten it, he has also shed twice in a month :confused: so as you can imagine he is ultra grumpy at the moment.:rolleyes: all feeders are gut loaded with baby spinache, rocket, apple and carrot. he does like both eating and sitting on the watercress any ideas how to stop him sitting on it?
Chameleons need less food as they get older, as growth slows. They also eat less if cold, in winter, if dehydrated, if sick, if BORED of their food options.

Is it essentially full grown at about a year old, whereas it was young and growing before? Is your chameleon loosing weight? Has its attitude changed? Have you had fecal tests done (to rule out parasites)? Do you offer a wide variety of bugs (minimally 3, hopefully far more choices)? Have you checked temperature? Is it drinking well, is the urate white?
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