Chameleon eating large roach


New Member
Is it uncommon for a chameleon to take more than a 45 mins to swallow a large size roach??

My chameleon is a jacksons about 10 months old now. The roach i gave him was no larger than his head. He has been munching on it forever now. He will get it most the way down, then regurgitate it back up into his mouth. The roach is all soggy and nasty and chewed up he just is having a hard time getting the skin down.
Simply too big. rule of thumb is no bigger than the gap between the eyes, not the size of its head. :)
Feed smaller ones.
The only reason i fed one as big as that is because a member on here had told me no bigger than the head.

Anyway, should i worry or should he be ok?
If its chewed the crap out of it hell eventually get some down, or you can simply take it way. He'll be fine.
Well he just hacked it up. Thanks for the replies all. And i will downsize on the roaches. :)
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