chameleon eating questions?


I have about a 6.5 month old ambilobe and he isn eating much and is not very aggressive towards food he eats everyday but only a few mealworms and maybe a cricket or superworm or hornworm but not always. he doesnt seem to skinny should i start feeding him less often? i would say he is almost a foot long head to tail is that normal. does anyone have any tricks on getting them more food crazy?? :) thanx for any advice
and his cage is perfect and basking temps are perfect and he drinks lots of water it is just he isnt eating as much as ive heard i thought panthers were food lovers
Well Ive read at that age its good to start feeding them Every Other day. To get them a little more interested trying hand feeding. If that doesnt work try cup feeding... if that doesnt work try placing them on leaves...... you could try wiggling it around.... I do know my Chams LOVE hornworms... but its not best to always just feed these... their fat content is higher than nutrition =p
yea tried cup feeding he did it for a few days and now he wont he will only eat things that are crawling on the screed walls or on sticks or leaves ive even tried roaches he doeasnt realy like them he ate a few but now he wont eat those either maybe he just isnt that hungry im guna start feeding him evry other day ive tried everything else so i will.
Ya luckily I have greedy Chameleons XD but I have read of people having trouble with their chams just being so picky they change their mind often about what they like and dont like. Makes u sometimes wish you could read their minds. there was a few days my Female just didnt want to take any food but when she got hungry she went right ahead an started eating again with no prob. Just def keep an eye on his weight. You dont want them to get too skinny
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