So I have the normal mesh Jackson chameleoncage setup with sticks foliage resting spots the right lighting arrangement its 18" by 36" but it has plenty of space and is how it's supposed to be, tall, anyways he is healthy, he's kind of old I've had him for like 4 years and when I got him he was about a year old. So He usually absolutely hates coming out of his cage for the 4 years I've had him he still just hates it anyways ealier today he was acting very antsy so I took him out and let him walked around a bit he seemed happy as usual, well this was strange just based and how much he typically doesn't like it, so then it got even weirder when he wouldn't go back in he would just crawl up my arm, so eventually I just had to pick him up and set him on a branch. Everything was fine. Later I went to dinner with friends, when I came back he was practically running around his cage poking his horns I'm the walls, breathing heavy, very black, he was going so fast (I mean for as fast as a chameleon can go) he even fell a couple times it was like he was searching for any possible way out. I take very good care of him and he lives a mellow life