Chameleon having problems adjusting


New Member
Chameleon Info:
Paris - Jackson, Female. Just got her last week.
Handling - Everyday given the circumstance.
Feeding - Mealworms and (mostly) crickets. One or two every morning. I am feeding the crickets with Flucker's high calcium food.
Supplements - Had given her multivitamins once since I got her.
Watering - I mist the chameleon around 5 times a day.
Fecal Description -Fecal is normal.

Cage Info:
Cage Type - Screen 16x12x16
Lighting - Reptisun UVB (tube). From 7am-7pm
Temperature - 80 upper part, 77 lower part
Humidity - I am currently not measuring the humidity but in PR is pretty humid and I am misting frequently.
Plants - Artificial vines and a small Ficus tree.
Placement -It is placed in a table which is high enough, right beside my bed.
Location - Puerto Rico

Current Problem:

Ever since I got her she hasn't been eating nor drinking by herself and I have been forcing her to at least drink water every day. I have been doing so with a very small syringe. Also I have been force feeding her a cricket or a mealworm everyday. I believe she is gravid and has been very aggressive, biting and hissing at me as I get near. Also, I have noticed that she is "addicted" to the UVB, she's always very close to the light and has some burn marks on her nose when I got her. I have another Jackson (male) in the same environment and he is doing very good. BTW, I placed them so they cannot see each other.

Any help would be appreciated.
IMHO you are not doing her any favors by handling her so much and force feeding/watering her if there is any chance that she is gravid. You may end up causing more problems than good. You also may be causing her to aspirate water into her lungs.

Dripping water on her nose should encourage her to drink. If she's hungry she should eat on her own unless she is sick....and if she is very gravid (near the date of the babies being born) she will likely be so full of babies that she won't want to eat much anyhow.

If you think the UVB light is burning her, move it further away from where she can sit. Are you sure she's not been rubbing the end of her nose on the screen or that it might be an infection that she has at the end of her mouth? Can you post closer photos of it please?

She actually looks quite good in the third photo.
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