Chameleon hisses like crazy


New Member
I have a year old veiled. He hates me hisses and bites. Im trying to hand feed. When I hold a cup with superworms infront of his face he will look at it like he wants it then he will start hissing really bad. I think it has to do when I open his cage because when the cage is closed I can put my hand right next to his face and he doesnt freak out. U guys got any advice or thats just how this guy is.. Iv had him about 2 weeks
Just give him time, chill by the cage watching him so he becomes comfortable with you. Then after a while leave the cage door open and just chill and watch him. He has to know your not a threat. Then little by little get your hand closer and closer depending on his comfort level.
He always hides in the back of the cage when im in the room and never really basks under the light. Is this a problem or only time will tell
He might chill over time. If u ever grab him make sure or stick your hand in make sure it's through a side not from above they think you will attack them. Good luck.
Veileds can be nasty bud! Trust me, one big male tagged me good and drew blood. He was a mean SOB, I have never had a panther anything like some of my veileds.
chameleons in general are very territorial animals and more of a show pet like a fish. handling them too much will cause stress
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