Chameleon laws in MA and RI


New Member
Hello all
I went to Petco yesterday in Massachusetts and they are selling veiled chameleons. I asked an employee about them. Since last I looked they were illegal in RI and Ma. She said the laws changed a few months ago.

Does anyone know any further details, I tried looking it up and I haven't found any new details.

Are Chameleons legal in RI and or MA?

thank you, those are some of the same replies ive found.
the laws stated that you needed a permit to own them. petco never sold them till now cause the laws said they were illegal. the woman at petco said the laws changed just a few months ago, but i havent been able to find any solid info on that. all my info is dated from years ago.
thanks again for the help :D
no problem! found that with a quick search, so im sure you can find more if you look a little harder. those seem most recent from what i looked at though.

also, if they are being sold to the public at Petco, i would think it's legal.


My best recomendation would be to contact local reptile shops and ask if they are legal to own now. they should be up to date with that kind of info. if possible only contact a reptile shop that has a very good reputation and/or has been there for a long time.
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In the state of Rhode Island, you are required to have an exotic animal possession permit for chameleons (Regulations:; Permit Application: Massachusetts had similar requirements until earlier this year when they dropped chameleons from the list of species that required permits (Regulations: As a result, you can now purchase chameleons in Massachusetts, but you can not legally own them in Rhode Island unless you obtained a permit prior to obtaining them.

If you are required to have a permit, it really is no big deal - just a matter of filling out some paperwork. In New Jersey, we need a permit for everything! I got a permit twenty years ago when I got my African Grey Parrot. We are required to renew it every year with any updates or changes. I put my poison dart frogs and chameleons on the same permit as the African Grey. It costs $20 a year to renew a permit with birds on it. If you don't have birds, it's only $10 a year. Just wanted to let you know how it works in Jersey. Things may be similar in your state. But chameleons, as well as a host of other animals are illegal to own in New Jersey without a permit. It sounds more daunting than it is.

Interesting. That is very similar to the original paperwork I had to fill out when I first got a permit. For all additional animals, they were just add-ons and no other information like that was ever required.

$5 for each specimen? . . . Forever? . . . I love that!!
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