Hey, I woke up today to my chameleon lifting his head in the air while he is sleeping. Weird thing is that I haven’t seen him do it as he is awake. When I wake him up he stands normally and walks around his cage normally. I do give him some light with UVB that came with the mesh cage and the same with the heat lamp. He has no lack of appetite and is drinking water, not too much water though. I told my girlfriend and she said it might be because he has shed on his sides and on his crown (the sharp part of his head). I can’t really help him take it off either because he gets mad when my hand even approaches the cage. He has a mesh cage, has a water dripper for when I am not home, prefers to drink droplets of water through spray bottle, and ate mealworms recently. Is it actually because of the shed or can he have a respiratory infection? How should I act?