Hey all!
I do not own a chameleon yet, but I do plan on buying one.
I want to feel confident when buying my chameleon so I need a couple questions answered.
I just signed up here so I could join in discussions and while I have been researching more I realized that "gut loading" is inevitable!
I am currently living with two roommates. Both have let me know that they are okay with me getting a chameleon, but I know for a fact that keeping my own crickets and gut loading them will not go down well with them. It's not that they don't like crickets though. It's just cause of the noise.
So is there a way to keep crickets and muffle their noise a bit, so my roommates can't hear them? Could I safely keep them outside or are they better off in the house?
My other question would be is it better to let crickets roam free in the cage for your chameleon to find and catch or put them in a feeder? And do feeders even contain the crickets?
This feeder looks like all the rest of the feeders I've seen and it doesn't look like it would keep them in there...
I just worry that a chameleon won't be able to catch all of the crickets and some of them would be left in the cage for days.
Thanks for any and all advice!
I do not own a chameleon yet, but I do plan on buying one.
I want to feel confident when buying my chameleon so I need a couple questions answered.
I just signed up here so I could join in discussions and while I have been researching more I realized that "gut loading" is inevitable!
I am currently living with two roommates. Both have let me know that they are okay with me getting a chameleon, but I know for a fact that keeping my own crickets and gut loading them will not go down well with them. It's not that they don't like crickets though. It's just cause of the noise.
So is there a way to keep crickets and muffle their noise a bit, so my roommates can't hear them? Could I safely keep them outside or are they better off in the house?
My other question would be is it better to let crickets roam free in the cage for your chameleon to find and catch or put them in a feeder? And do feeders even contain the crickets?
This feeder looks like all the rest of the feeders I've seen and it doesn't look like it would keep them in there...
I just worry that a chameleon won't be able to catch all of the crickets and some of them would be left in the cage for days.
Thanks for any and all advice!