hi, I moved my chameleon into its new cage next to my rosy faced lovebird a few weeks ago and she will only eat sometimes.She doesn't look bothered by the bird and has never hiss at her except for the day I got the chameleon and it tried to bite her when I introduced.She drinks fine but is more interested in staring at me than eating.Every Other day I might be able to get her to eat a wax worm or cricket but no superworms at all.I would like to try dubia roaches but my mom would have a heart attack if she saw one that escaped. I am thinking maybe force feeding if it has to go to that or maybe sticking a cricket in its mouth while it drinks and see it it eats it.I was thinking maybe it is the parrot being next to it is why it is not eating.P.S. this is a good chameleon that has a good personality and has only hissed once since I got it and it was not at me so I really don't want to see this one go downhill.Your replies are appreciated.Thanx!