Chameleon next to Parrot?

hi, I moved my chameleon into its new cage next to my rosy faced lovebird a few weeks ago and she will only eat sometimes.She doesn't look bothered by the bird and has never hiss at her except for the day I got the chameleon and it tried to bite her when I introduced.She drinks fine but is more interested in staring at me than eating.Every Other day I might be able to get her to eat a wax worm or cricket but no superworms at all.I would like to try dubia roaches but my mom would have a heart attack if she saw one that escaped. I am thinking maybe force feeding if it has to go to that or maybe sticking a cricket in its mouth while it drinks and see it it eats it.I was thinking maybe it is the parrot being next to it is why it is not eating.P.S. this is a good chameleon that has a good personality and has only hissed once since I got it and it was not at me so I really don't want to see this one go downhill.Your replies are appreciated.Thanx!:)
hi, I moved my chameleon into its new cage next to my rosy faced lovebird a few weeks ago and she will only eat sometimes.She doesn't look bothered by the bird and has never hiss at her except for the day I got the chameleon and it tried to bite her when I introduced.She drinks fine but is more interested in staring at me than eating.Every Other day I might be able to get her to eat a wax worm or cricket but no superworms at all.I would like to try dubia roaches but my mom would have a heart attack if she saw one that escaped. I am thinking maybe force feeding if it has to go to that or maybe sticking a cricket in its mouth while it drinks and see it it eats it.I was thinking maybe it is the parrot being next to it is why it is not eating.P.S. this is a good chameleon that has a good personality and has only hissed once since I got it and it was not at me so I really don't want to see this one go downhill.Your replies are appreciated.Thanx!:)

It sounds as if your cham is stressed or so preoccupied by activity in the room she isn't comfortable enough to eat well. This is the time to deal with it before she does get sick. Maybe she needs more cover in her cage so she feels more secure. Maybe show us a pic of her setup? Just because she doesn't hiss at you doesn't mean she isn't feeling anxious. You could also do a test to see if the bird is bothering her...hand a sheet or some other simple visual barrier on the side of her cage to block view of the parrot.
Please move your cham away from the bird. You may slowly lose your cham due just to stress. that is a sad reason and way to die. It is so unnecessary. Please consider the health of your cham. It is comparable to you having a tiger sleep next to you. i know I sound over the top, but it is a situation that can easily be corrected. Your cham should not see any other animal. I do not let my chams see each other, as that can stress them.
If you would, could you let me know what you do? I will not yell at you or try to change your mind, I would just like to know. Thanks.
I will put somthing between them like a bord or backround so she can not see her at all.Here is a pic of the set up next to my baby lovebird. P.S. I would LOVE to sleep next to a tiger.
b and c.jpg
Animal instinct is something us humans can not understand or interpret. The two, by nature's law, know they are in the same vicinity. It is how they survive. Moving them apart, will benefit them both. Hate to be the barer of bad news. Just nature. :)
hi, I moved my chameleon into its new cage next to my rosy faced lovebird a few weeks ago and she will only eat sometimes.She doesn't look bothered by the bird and has never hiss at her except for the day I got the chameleon and it tried to bite her when I introduced.She drinks fine but is more interested in staring at me than eating.Every Other day I might be able to get her to eat a wax worm or cricket but no superworms at all.I would like to try dubia roaches but my mom would have a heart attack if she saw one that escaped. I am thinking maybe force feeding if it has to go to that or maybe sticking a cricket in its mouth while it drinks and see it it eats it.I was thinking maybe it is the parrot being next to it is why it is not eating.P.S. this is a good chameleon that has a good personality and has only hissed once since I got it and it was not at me so I really don't want to see this one go downhill.Your replies are appreciated.Thanx!:)

You really need to move the two into separate rooms. The chameleon's fear response to the bird is instinctual. A sheet or board between the cages won't be enough. I have parrots, lots of parrots. They absolutely need to be out of their cages a lot or they go insane. Your parrot will be climbing all over the chameleon cage and it will cause the chameleon a lot of stress. On top of that, there is the electrical wires from the lights that the parrot can chew on. Parrots are great chewers. it's their job. Your parrot will be at serious risk of electrocution or causing a fire, neither of which are good.
I am aware that they chew.When she is out she is either downstairs, outside on a bird leash, or in the room with me so I am not worried bout that.
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