chameleon posture?


New Member
Hey, So I have noticed both with my chams, and seeing in photos of chams, that alot of times chams seems to pose with one of there front legs up, kind of near there mouth. I have seen them do it, both when they are puffed up an angry, and when they are showing netural colors. So whats up with that? Does it mean something?
Hey, So I have noticed both with my chams, and seeing in photos of chams, that alot of times chams seems to pose with one of there front legs up, kind of near there mouth. I have seen them do it, both when they are puffed up an angry, and when they are showing netural colors. So whats up with that? Does it mean something?

As far as I know the lifted, "L" shaped foreleg is body language: a defensive posture and a signal to "go away" or, perhaps "don't come any closer". Apparently it is a universal signal, understood by all other chameleons. We have pygmys, veileds, panthers, and a Meller's, and I've seen them all do it. It is one of their more polite communications. I am not always able to honor it, but, when I do, it helps their self esteem and helps me build a rapport with them.
Nice, thanks for the answer.
I find it so funny to watch my little female panther do it the male panther. He is at least twice her size, but she still keeps him away with her "salute"
something like this?

Or like this? I think this is the boxing pose.... Maybe I should name him Tyson? He likes to stand like this. I find him doing it often.
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