Chameleon question


My chameleon has been acting normal, eating without issues, had constant water dripping, but his skin is saggy in some positions. He is a shy drinker and eater, so I can’t tell if he’s dehydrated and needs more water. These are two photos I took yesterday showing him with and without wrinkles.


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He might be getting ready to shed . Idk i may be wrong , but the other day i noticed my vieled was like that . Skin looked a little saggy , then she shed the very next day . How old is that boy ? Is he still growing ?
Could be normal. Does he only do that when handling him? He could be trying to make himself look smaller. What is your hydration method? What do his urates look like? How old is he and how often/how much do you feed him?
Could be normal. Does he only do that when handling him? He could be trying to make himself look smaller. What is your hydration method? What do his urates look like? How old is he and how often/how much do you feed him?
I only handle him maybe once or twice a week at the absolute maximum, so maybe. Right now I use a fogger that drips during the day since it’s pretty dry this winter where I’m at, and that keeps the humidity correct. He is almost 12 months old now so I feed him every other day mainly dubia roaches.
Looks normal to me. There are times when chameleons want to expand (If threatened, want UVB/heat, etc). There are times when they "shrink". I notice Spike does this when he's "exploring" his enclosure. When he's on the move, specifically. These pics of Spike are not on the same day, but they're within a few days of each other. And to top it off, the "smaller/wrinklier" Spike photo is actually the more recent photo.

This makes sense because when you expand, of course you have less wrinkles and when you suck in, you have more wrinkles :)

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