chameleon screen?


New Member
Will a screen cage make my chameleon happier? It will also be bigger IF I get it (18x18x36). She has seems a little stressed lately, like dark clored. She still eats. I just dont wanna spend 100 bucks on a screen cage and have her still be stressed and dark colored, especially because I am low on money. I really want it to work if I buy it.

Heat:UV lighting:5.0 UVB

40 watt heat bulb

Temps:80-84 at basking spot

70-76 ambient temp

Cage:18x18x24 exo terra glass enclosure

Diet:eats crickets, about 10 or so every other day (gutloaded with turnip greens)

Supplements:I give 1 calcium supplement 1 time a week, I gie a vitamin suppleent with D3 every 4 or 5 weeks

Fecals/urates: fecals are dark brown, urates are white

humidity: around 70%

Foliage: densely covered, I will be getting pothos plants if I get the new cage

Hydration: I give her a "shower" once a week, and I have a home made dripper and I mist 5 or more times a day. She looked pretty relaxed in the shower.

Problem: kind of dark olive green and red colored. Maybe it is just a female jax thing, but I always thought they were a light green when relaxed.
IMHO the bigger the better. I free range all my animals and they are so much happier. Where are you located? If you are in the US most keepers that don't free range use screen cages. Right now you have her in a very small enclosure. She defiantly needs something bigger. I would also highly recommend a large variety of feeders and gut load.
How many posts have you written about this? I know I replied to one. The reason screen cages are recommended are for the increased ventilation. One of the key factors in keeping a chameleon happy. Along with that it's essential that the proper temperatures and humidity are factored into the cage. With a screen cage the temperature will be able to be created in a layered effect. The top area where the basking spot is will be warmest and the bottom will be the coolest. With a glass cage the heat will be contained and it may get too hot. Ultimately it's your decision. What do YOU think is the best choice? I know you've been given many opinions....It's ultimately your choice. If you don't choose a screen cage there's no reason to convince us it's the best decision. Just make the cage you choose the best one for your chameleon to have a great life. You have to factor in everything, also the largest cage you can afford would be a huge factor in that decision. Good luck.
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