Chameleon Shock?


New Member
So my very healthy, active, and semi grumpy chameleon is having some kind of shock, I don't even know what to call it. So I bring her outside and let her sit in the sun sometimes for maybe 20 minutes every few days and she turns bright green and seems to like it. Same thing happened today but when i brought her back to her cage as i scooped her off of me she made some weird noise then started turning black with tiny green spots all over and she went totally limp. She then started gasping for air and sticking her tongue out. I ran her under some warmish water, and tryed to get some filtered water in her mouth but it seemed like her throat was closed or something. I really have no idea whats wrong. Shes sitting in the bottom of her cage looking pretty bad with her tongue sticking out.... The strange thing is that shes been great, eating all the time, shes pretty plump, shes active her eyes are big and not sunken. She isn't dehydrated at all. I grabbed her (not any differently then i usually do, kinda open her hands and scoop her into her cage) then she made a sort of clicking noise and turned black, went limp and started gasping for air... There isn't much i can do at this point, the closest herp vet is 2 hour away. Anyone know what this could be and any way to revive her?

*She also released her bowels as It started happening* Its like she was poisoned but that doesn't make sense...
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I just realized the cricket water jells i left in there are gone... highly likely she ate them and that's what killed her....
I'm so very sorry for this situation, the good thing is that you know what likely happened, and can prevent it happening in the future.
She went from bright green, healthy and active to this in a matter of seconds.

i revived a puppy once by rapping it in a warm towel and rubbing with a little push. try that then maybe stick a little tube or straw down her air way to clear it.
oh that is so sad. Maybe she ate something outside that she shouldn't have?. You really think it is the cricket water jells? Not to sound insensitive here, but how did she get a hold of them? They were in her cage?Well, I am very sorry for your loss and so suddenly.
I'm so very sorry. I can't imagine how hydrated water crystals could have such a dramatic effect. I was always under the impression that the danger came if they ate dry ones...they would expand and suck the moisture away from the chameleon....
Well I'm not sure that's what happened. I mean it was scary, she had this weird look in her eye like something was really wrong and it happened all so quickly.. it was like something out of a zombie movie.
Again, I'm very sorry. Do they have heart attacks? I don't know the answer to that, but it sounds like something along those lines.

I checked the safety sheets on water crystals and they are extremely benign.
Maybe it was some kind of obstruction that came loose and clogged her when i moved her. I don't know ><
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