Chameleon Skydiving


New Member
So every now and then my jacksons decides its a good idea to do a little bungee jumping without the rope. From time to time I hear a *plunk*, lo and behold he is at the bottom! Anyways, I was just wondering if this hurts them? My biggest concern is him hitting an eye or getting a horn caught in the cage on the way down :c

Anyways, thanks, and have a good day!
is he jumping or falling? if hes losing grip and falling it could be signs of MBD. It would help if you posted some pictures if this is the case, specifically of his legs.
I imagine he is slipping off, its only after I spray his cage does he do it. He tries grabbing onto the wet (fake) leaves and just cant grip them.
does he not have branches to climb? is it just vines?
Maybe if you post a pic of your enclosure along with your cham.

There is a health form you should fill out to give us a better idea of whats going on.
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Jacksons, Male, 6 months. In my care two weeks.
Handling - Practically never.
Feeding - What are you feeding your cham? What amount? What is the schedule? How are you gut-loading your feeders? Six or eight Crickets, @8-11am. Gutloaded crickets with flukers calcium diet and mustard greens
Supplements - Zoo med Calcium Everday, Zoo med Multivitamin twice a month, Flukers Calcium d3 twice a month.
Watering - Spray bottle and drip system, Three or four times a day, 20 seconds. I see him drinking.
Fecal Description - White urates, normal balls of poop.
History - N/A

Cage Info:
Cage Type - 1/2 Inch PVC coated wire cage, 44x18x24
Lighting - Reptile Vision UV light 13w, Zoo med Infrared 100w Basking Bulb, Zoo med 100w Intense Basking bulb (when needed),Zoo med double light fixture, generic lamp for uv bulb.
Temperature - Basking Spot 80-87 Floor 70-75 Daytime, 60-65 Nightime. Two seperate thermometers.
Humidity - 50%-80%, Depends on when I mist. Between mists 50%-60%. Drip system and misting.
Plants - All fake.
Placement - My room, the top of the cage is 46 inches above the ground.
Location - Washington, USA.

e has an abundant amount of vines to climb on and plenty of room to do so, honestly the cage isn't the problem, I have it down pretty well.
Here are some pics


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Nothing jumps out at me. Even in the pics, everything seems to look great. Im not sure to be honest, hopefully someone with better knowledge can chime in.
Post some pics of your cham alone if you can...try to capture his legs and hands clearly
Wet or not, he should still be able to grip on the vines with his feet and nails. Is he missing nails or anything like that??
In the pics he has his nails, his bones are straight, he's getting (possibly more than enough) calcium, the screen is nice and wide as to not rip nails out, looks like he has plenty to climb...

Jackson's tend to do suicide drops when startled - more than some other species from my limited experience - mine has only done it once in the 9 months I've had her.
Check the Zoo Med calcium for D3 Jackson's can be extra sensitive to it -I know I saw one brand that had a picture of a Jackson on it and had D3 it in-
Jackson's are more sensitive. (check the Jackson specific care sheet)
I'd go with cricket crack or bug burger or make your own gutload - and add some fresh fruits and veggies -but the gutload your using shouldn't cause him to get sick - I just think you'll see him more active and alert if you do. (also from my limited experience)
Ditto, especially when my guy was less than a year old. He did a belly flop/suicide drop more than once. After about a year old, he stopped doing it. So long as your little guy doesn't get hurt, I wouldn't worry too much.
I would for sure though check to make sure the zoo med doesn't have D3 in it
This is the quote from the caresheet-
"Jackson's have decreased supplementation requirements compared to tropical species due to metabolism differences. Use calcium (without D3 or phosphorus) twice a week, a multivitamin once a month, and calcium with D3 once a month."
He is probably trying to grasp the white PVC, he will not be able to grip it and fall. I would cover that with some screen. I have never had a Jackson "suicide drop" they lose their grip and fall sometimes though or might have some kind of health problem. I also have never see a Jackson's with MBD. Just sayin.

Also your UVB light is to far above the cage to be of any good at all imo.
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