Chameleon slept on the wall


New Member
I was just getting ready to go to bed and i checked on little Sanguine and i found him sleeping on the wall, Does anyone else's chameleon do this?
Mine does from time to time. Sometimes he'll even have half his body on a vine and the other half on the cage :rolleyes:

It's perfectly normal and nothing to worry about if you were ;)

This is mine asleep upside down lol.
I swear, one of their reasons for living is to drive us insane...neither of my two now have slept on the wall, but I have had 2 that did. I call it "bug sleep" because they look like bugs with their tails curled's crazy making! That's what it is....

But I can't see any reason to think it's not okay.

I had a jacksons that was free ranging and decided he wanted back in his cage for lights out but I wasn't there and the door was closed. Result? He slept on the outside wall of the cage.

My cham sleeps upside down from the top of the cage most nights. I was worried at first, but then all the posts I read said they sleep all over :)
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