Chameleon tail damage shedding


New Member
When my chameleon was a baby crickets but his tail and his tail was quite badly damaged (he went to the vet straight away and his tail is fine now). This is the first time he has shed since I got him and I'm a little bit worried about the shed around his tail damage getting stuck what should I do about this ?
Can you post some more pics? I am not seeing any sign of constriction. Looks like it is coming off it just may take more time. You can see the whiter areas are areas where the shed is fully lifted from the skin but have not broken away yet. The other areas are not fully lifted.
Did you take him to a vet for this? Black dead tissue is not something you want to mess with. It means the tissue is necrotic. The fix for this is amputation above the dead tissue to ensure no issues with the healthy tissue being compromised.
Yes he was taken to the vet and treated for this they said to bring him back when he's a bit older to decide if it needs amputation and he was also given some medication
Time to go back to the vet... If the tail has necrotic tissue then it should be addressed sooner than later.
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