Chameleon tongues…


Chameleon Queen
“We reexamined the morphological and functional properties of the hyoid, the tongue pad, and hyolingual musculature in chameleons”…

And more……
“Chameleons possess the ability to ballistically project their tongues toward fast-moving prey with great accuracy and acceleration due to elastic energy storage and release”…

“Veiled chameleons (Chamaeleo calyptratus) were able to project the tongue and capture prey across the same range of distances regardless of temperature (15 °C–35 °C).”…

“Chameleons capture prey items using a ballistic tongue projection mechanism that is unique among lizards. During prey capture, the tongue can be projected up to two full body lengths and may extend up to 600 % of its resting length”…

“In this paper we document the activity of key muscles of the tongue, hyobranchial apparatus and head during prey capture in the lizard Chamaeleo jacksonii Boulenger and use these data to test current hypotheses of chameleon tongue function”..

How do chameleons launch their tongues…
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