Chameleon too close to light/heat


New Member
Hi, guys--just wondering what I should do about my cham constantly getting too close to the light for his basking spot and his CHE. We have an extra-large reptibreeze and temps are 90+ directly under the light (where it rests on the screen). It is only 43 watt. His basking spot, a foot or so below, is in the 80s. He has a CHE because the room his cage is in gets quite cold (basement-type area). I bought a 100 watt element but quickly realized it was too hot so put it on a dimmer switch at less than half. The temps at the bottom of the cage are around 62 (ambient room temp).

This little guy just loves to climb on the screen. He gets WAY too close to the bulbs constantly. He got a small thermal burn which we treated with antibiotic ointment and then turned his CHE down and switched to a lower-wattage bulb for basking spot but now I think it's been re-burned even with these lower wattages. He just stays way too close. His casque is actually swollen now at the burn site and for the first time I'm worried about whether or not he is really going to be okay.

Maybe I can try to hang some glossy jungle-y pics in front of the screen so he can't climb there? Not sure how else I can keep him from encroaching. Reluctant to make the cage in general any cooler.
i say one thing to do it make sure your fixture isn't resting directly on the cage it will make that metal super hot. I made a pvc jig to elevate mine off the cage just an inch or so.
and also if he keeps getting burned and like to just climb on cage real close to light pull the light further from the cage so the hottest possible spot he can get to is the roof and make that your basking
If you place a thermometer inside the cage right on the screen and go for a temp of 105f to 110f you should be good
It would be to high if he was continuly basking in it but I don't think it would burn him. That's the temp of the screen not the air under it.
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