chameleon upset by water


New Member
I have noticed over the last few weeks that whenever I go to mist the cage or turn on the fogger my veiled chameleon will run across the cage to get away from it. I have tried misting with warm water and even if I don't get him wet at all he still becomes very upset. I recently got a fogger to help with humidity on extra dry days (I live in phoenix) and when I click on the fogger he changes darker colors and puffs up. Is this normal or am I doing something wrong? I have only had him for about a month (my first chameleon) he is in perfect health just seems very angry when he is wet.
Don't use a fogger. I've found they cause a lot of RIs. If you are using live plants, I'm sure the humidity is just fine. Check out humidity ranges in Yemen. Getting mad and running from water is pretty standard. Even my Jackson's have a love/hate relationship with it.
My humidity stays at a pretty constant 50% and I do use a dripper. And he is in an all screen cage so the fog hardly sticks around. I have only turned on the fogger for a few mins at a time but he got quite upset with it so I stopped using it
Well sounds like you have everything covered then! I live in florida so never have to worry about humidity inside or out!:)
I plan on getting a mister system in his new cage is it something they get use to or will he just get mad every time it kicks on.
Most chams dont like to be misted. Ive seen a few that enjoy it, but for the most part it makes mine cranky, and I use a mistking which produces a very fine mist.
I plan on getting a mister system in his new cage is it something they get use to or will he just get mad every time it kicks on.

My cham would freak out when my mist king kicked on. I switched out the misting nozzle for a DIY rain ring and he doesn't even move when it comes on now.
Buy a jacksons or two to recycle your reptifogger. At 50% you are good. Just keep it above 35% for a veil. Shedding problems can occur if lower. Just some dripping and occansional misting and all is done.
My girl hates being misted but she doesn't mind rain drops. Maybe try simulating raindrops above the cage and see if that gets a better reaction.
Does anyone use a fully automated system. My buddy just stopped by and told me he can help me build a fully automated cage setup including simulated weather. Does anyone else use something similar???
I have fully automated system we leave on the weekends sometimes
-light on timer
-DIY misting system set up on a timer
-auto fish feeder (we use baby crickets or mini meal worms, freeze dried)
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