

New Member
I was wondering if you have to start a juvenile off in a smaller cage, or if you can just put him in his adult enclosure right away? I've read that in a smaller cage they can find food easier. But, if I choose to cup feed for the majority of the time will he/she do fine in a large enclosure(24"x24"x48")?
I was wondering if you have to start a juvenile off in a smaller cage, or if you can just put him in his adult enclosure right away? I've read that in a smaller cage they can find food easier. But, if I choose to cup feed for the majority of the time will he/she do fine in a large enclosure(24"x24"x48")?

Yes, the main problem is them dying because they cannot find their food. So you would probably need to hand/cup feed every time until he grows into his cage.
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