chameleons eating repashy

ange loves chams

New Member
So i decided to post a thread on chameleons eating repashy. I know my boyfriend posted something about this a while ago when my first female veiled r.i.p maui started eating it. I know many of you were skeptical about this but it is true and she loved it! She would actually spoon feed from a plastic spoon and eat it herself or open up her mouth for me to pour some in.

So this morning i decided to try feeding my male veiled some and see how it went. Now with maui it took a little while for her too, I started off by making it thick and dipping some crickets in it and letting her eat them. Then she eventually got a liking for the taste and would eat it on her own. So i made some up this morning for Yoshi. I put it on the plastic spoon and rubbed a little bit on his mouth and let him lick it off. Then i wiggled the spoon around so he could see the liquid moving and he went right for it. He shot his tongue at it then i lifted the spoon over his head and he opened his mouth up and let me pour some in several times and he seemed to really enjoy it. I think it's pretty crazy that both my chams enjoyed this.

Obviously i am not going to be using this as a staple food diet but give him some every few weeks. Repashy has very benificial things in it that you are suppposed to gut load crickets with. So the chameleon intaking it right away into the system rather than through a cricket is very benifical for it. Along with friuts and veggies it had bee pollen among many other things. The next time i feed Yoshi some repashy i am going to take some pictures and a vid to show everyone.
Now i do keep in mind that Yoshi is a biig plant eater and he enjoys a few bites of fruit now and then. But my first chameleon maui did not eat plants or fruits at all. Along with giving the chameleon very good essential vitamins, feeding you chameleon repashy will make them healthy strong and it will actually increase and make the pigments of the chams skin more vivid overall increasing it's colour. ( this is what my vet told me after i talked with him about my cham eating repashy)

Have any of you ever had your chameleon eat repashy or have any cons to feeding your chameleon this once in a while?
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