chameleons take notice alot of ya i think i pointed at a locust he wudnt go for it when i ws there bt when i sat down turnd round he ws there eating it have pointed out a few meals and he does go think it is pretty amazing.anyone else had exsperince like this?
think about it.. for a creature that frail and weak, its brain has to be real smart if they want to survive.
I'm pretty sure chameleon is smarter than people usually think.
my cham for some reason is most scared of me in the morning, so whenever he sees me he tries to hide. he only turns to run when i am not looking at him, as soon as i look at him he freezes. i think that chams are very smart. they seem to understand eye contact very well
yeah me cham is alwats looking ates i turn round and he staring at me sometimes i think he taking a intrest wht im doing other times the stare is like wht the fuk u looking at lol bt like watching him when he dnt know im looking at him does his own thing is gd to see