Chameleons of Madagascar, thank you CF! (cham doesn't appreciate it as much..)


New Member
I'd recommend Chameleons of Madagascar to anyone! I'm just happy to support the forum which has so many great people and so much wonderful information on it. Here's a couple pics if my 5mo Faly not as impressed with the Cham documentary as I was.. haha!


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i cannot find a working link to it, ive been looking all over online and none of the links are working! does anyone have 1??
The DVD is for sale here on chameleon forums. Just go to the bookstore at the top. That is only one of the wonderful chameleon items for sale here.

i cannot find a working link to it, ive been looking all over online and none of the links are working! does anyone have 1??

I have been thinking about ordering that movie. Is it a decent documentary?
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The green ball is reputation. You can click User CP at the top left of the screen and check what posts someone gave you rep.

The DVD is really good. I just wish they had one like that for African chameleons.
The green ball is reputation. You can click User CP at the top left of the screen and check what posts someone gave you rep.

The DVD is really good. I just wish they had one like that for African chameleons.

i think they were talking about the online/ offline circle beside their user name.

you are talking about the green dots that show up when you get rep points under your location.
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